
Eyes wide open
But also closed.
Not for lack of sight
For my eyes can see
And so can my mind.

Not in denial
Of my ongoing trials,
Nor indifferent
To the hard facts,
Just choosing to focus
On where I'm going.
For how can you see the road ahead
If you focus only on what's under your feet?

You say I'm a Dreamer,
As though I live on clouds
Entertaining delusions of grandeur
And smiling at passers-by.
It's true! I am a Dreamer.
Believing the impossible,
Expecting nothing short of a miracle,
Working like I'm already there,
Living like a victor, a conqueror.

But you say I'm foolish
Just wastage time and energy.
You're afraid thus you embrace mediocrity
Living as others have defined.
Dreaming is hard work
Because it takes courage...

Still, my eyes are wide open
But they are closed.
Every ounce of me
Chasing my dreams
Foolishness never looked so good.

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