Friday, September 9, 2011


So, I have a lot to say about getting older. You know the way you think you'll know stuff... And then you get older and the stuff you thought you would know by then is still a mystery! Then you wonder if you missed out on the growing older bus and try desperately to catch it, wherever it is... Then you realize there's really no bus to be caught and you will never get to the place where you'll know everything...

So I wrote a pseudo-poem to summarize what I felt about the topic. Here goes...


By 23 I thought I would at least know who 'I' was(there's still me&myself to know!...)
By 23 I thought I'd be making the 'Big' money
By 23 I thought I'b be planning a wedding(LOL!!)
By 23 I thought I'd be her... Whoever she is...

But I've learned that there's no destination per say
I will not be arriving at a place that is It
Life is a journey and every step I take has it's beauty, functionality
I want to enjoy my journey and not be hang up on expectation...

By 23 I've learned that life is precious and fragile
By 23 I've learned that I can do anything if I just try
By 23 I've learned that pain is a necessity but take only your portion
By 23 I've learned that money doesn't make you happy
By 23 I've learned that friendships like seasons end and it's okay
By 23 I've learned to trust my instincts
By 23 I've learned to risk loving people and believing in them
By 23 I've learned to take care of me...

By 23 I've learned when to fight as well as when to move on
By 23 I've learned to forgive and to actually forget
By 23 I've learned to live and to live with no regrets...

And as I grow older, I make new discoveries
And I can afford to smile because after all, it's free!
Then I'm happy and proud of who I am at 23!

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