Thursday, December 1, 2011

Just A Girl

I'm just a girl. In a sea of people.
People of all nations, races.
I could disappear in that sea of faces.

These?.. These are just hands.
Ordinary. Hands.
Just like everyone else's.
They have the ability to reach out, touch, hold.
Nothing new there. To change the world.

The world that is unfathomable
Yet it somehow manages to fit in my phone!
Everyone can be your friend on facebook
Yet you can still feel all alone.
Definition of paradox?

And time? Always moving forward
WIll not wait for you to grieve, grow, change, try
If you don't keep up you'll get left behind
That's just the way it is...
Don't look at me! I'm just as helpless!

You see, I'm just a girl. In a sea of people.

People of all nations, races.
I could drown in that sea of faces.
Be swallowed whole
And before I know what's going on
I could be gone!

These?.. These are just hands.
Ordinary. Hands.
Just like everyone else's.
They have the ability to reach out, touch, hold.
Nothing new there. To change the world.

But does it have to be new?
Haven't hands been changing the world for centuries?
Ordinary hands.
Like yours? Like mine?

I'm just a girl. In a sea of people.
People of all nations, races.
I could disappear in that sea of faces.

Or I could reach out, touch, hold 
the lonely, forgotten, friendless
the destitute, heartbroken, helpless.
These?.. These are just hands. They are ordinary hands.
But they could be a reflection of the hands that created the world,
that loved its people, endured being nailed to a tree.

Yes I'm just a girl. 
But with these ordinary hands, doing ordinary things,
I can change the world.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mwende,

    You have beautiful poems, and we would love to feature a few on our newly launched blog, B-Gina Review.

    The mission of this new venture is to nurture and promote creativity by featuring new, emerging as well as established authors whose aim is to reach a world-wide audience.

    If you are interested in submitting anything to us or have any questions, you can contact us via this email address (

    Please visit us at to learn more about us.

    Kind Regards,
    Regina Timothy
    Editor, B-Gina Review
